November 7th, 2023 7:00 PM


Member’s Present: R Bennett, M Palmer, R Alexander, W Marcussen, Wm Vaarberg

Member’s Absent: R Alexander left at 7:30pm to return to the election.

Special Guests: Ryan Wilson, David Armentrout, Detective Kasul.

Board Meeting called to order by Supervisor R Bennett.

Pledge recited.

Report from Detective Kasul.

Presentation from Ryan Wilson.  Discussion regarding Industrial Development District request.

Minutes were approved as read.

Motion made by W Marcussen and supported by R Alexander to accept payment of the township bills as submitted. Motion passed 5 yes, 0 no, and 0 absent.

Motion made by M Palmer and supported by R Alexander to approve Countywide Early Voting Agreement for Election Services with Ionia County.  Motion passed with 5 yes, 0 no, and 0 absent.

Treasurer’s report was approved as read.

Discussed cemetery regulations.

Discussed truck route on Tuttle Rd.  Seeking further information on who establishes truck routes. Also seeking information on the location and quantity of speed limit signs.

Discussed Grant St Sewer-Tabled.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.


Rachael Alexander, Township Clerk & Marilyn Palmer, Township Treasurer