Berlin Township Board Minutes

May 2nd, 2023 7:00 PM


Member’s Present: R Bennett, M Palmer, W Marcussen, W Vaarberg

Memberr’s Absent: R Alexander

Special Guests: Mike & Gail Gesselman, Patrick & Carol Lewis, and ICSD Detective Chelsea Kasul.

Board Meeting called to order by Supervisor R Bennett.

Pledge recited.

Report from Detective C Kasul on calls within Berlin Twp.

Minutes were approved as read.

Treasurer’s report was approved as read.

Discussion on ICRC- no action taken.

Discussion on Berlin Twp Website.

Discussion on Broadpoint- Dan Sullivan having trouble with getting a signal through pine trees.

Discussion on sewer on Grant St-Requested an engineer quote.

Motion made by R Bennett and supported by M Palmer to accept J Wickham’s bid to replace 2 overhead doors, 1 service door and 1 interior door at Balcom Cemetery.  Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no, 1 absent.

M Palmer to inquire about metal siding over windows for Balcom Cemetery.

Motion made by Wm Vaarberg and supported by W Marcussen to accept payment of the township bills as submitted. Motion passed 4 yes, 0 no, 1 absent.


Meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.

Marilyn Palmer, Township Treasurer